
Here is a list of programs I use day-to-day.

First one is Ubuntu Linux LTS. Great and mostly reliable OS.
Has a good support for the hardware, like 2 monitors, webcam, bluetooth or a usb sound card. With Wi-fi dongles I have no luck.

GoldenDict. Great app if you have standalone dictionaries. It just works. Out of box there are no dictionaries.

When you have to jungle multiple pieces of text it is better to have clipboard manager. GPaste is good at it.

Often one has to make screenshots. I find builtin Ubuntu Screenshot program nice and clean.

As a notepad replacement builtin GEdit is good.

Mozilla Firefox and Chromium for web browsing. No comments. Just a must have for web activities.

For secure web browsing one should use Tor.

Telegram Desktop. Ubuntu has support for the snaps. With this help we can use many of the great apps. So access to the Telegram is great.

Skype. Although I do not use it much often, but it is nice to have a native version for Linux.

Reading epubs? Foliate can read them also! Builtin Document Viewer is good at pdf viewing.

IntelliJ Idea CE. Fantastic IDE for Java & Kotlin development out of box. Lots of keyboard shortcuts increase my speed.

Managing JDKs? Sdkman is already here!

One drawback of community Idea is a lack of DB tools, which are offered in Ultimate version. No worries, use DBeaver CE, which is far better then third party plugins for the Idea.

If you have to visualize db schema then Schemacrawler can help.

Oracle Virtualbox. Great app for virtual machines management.

VLC. VideoLanClient. My choice for video player.

Vokoscreen\NG. When you need to make a screencast or an education video this is a good choice. Easy to use.

If you have to deal with LDAP servers then Apache Directory Studio can help you.  It has the ability to create multiple ldap servers.

Dealing with mindmaps? Freemind or Freeplane are here to rescue.

Need a SIP client? Ekiga was popular sometime ago. But it is not developed any more. I recommend Blink client.

That is a lot of programs.

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