вторник, 9 апреля 2013 г.

Spring WS 2.1.0. Expose WSDL with external schema.

It is a good practice to keep schema external to your wsdl.
In Spring WS documentation it is not clearly mentioned how to publish wsdl with external schema.
After some time searching google i managed to found the solution:
<!-- WSDL -->
  <sws:static-wsdl id="BookingFacadeService" location="/WEB-INF/wsdl/BookingFacadeService.wsdl"  />
<!-- Schema -->

BookingFacadeService.wsdl is my wsdl which include the external schema BookingFacadeService_schema.xsd.

Manipulate XML with Ant

Sometimes it is necessary to manipulate xml configs with Ant.
This can be done with XMLTask. A great tutorial about this ant task can be found here.

Software in Government

Did you know that http://dorogi.mos.ru is made with:
1) Spring security
2) Apache Wicket
3) Oracle Application Server 11.