Minimizing complexity is a key to writing high-quality code.
If you treat modifications as opportunities to tighten up the original design of the program, the quality improves.
A long parameter list is a warning that the abstraction of the routine interface has not been well thought out.
Program changes are a fact of life both during initial development and after initial release.
Ideas to manage your manager:
Plant ideas for what you want to do, and then wait for your manager to have a brainstorm (your idea) about doing what you want to do.
Educate your manager about the right way to do things. This is an ongoing job because managers are often promoted, transfered, or fired.
Focus on your manager's interests, doing what he or she really wants you to do, and don't distract you manager with unnecessary implementation details. (Think of it as "encapsulation" of your job.)
Refuse to do what your manager tells you, and insist on doing your job the right way.
Find another job.
Code as if whoever maintains your program is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. -- Anonymous.
One key to effective programming is learning to make mistakes quickly, learning from them each time. Making a mistake is no sin. Failing to learn from a mistake is.
Code complete.2e.
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