If you have IBM DB2 client and you have to move data from remote source database to local target database then you can use db2 move utility.
First, catalog the node:
1) db2 catalog tcpip node <node_name> remote <server_name> server <port_number>
2) db2 terminate
Second, catalog the database:
3) db2 catalog db <remote_db_name> as <local_alias_db_name> at node <node_name>
4) db2 terminate
Export data:
db2move <db_name> export -sn <schema_name> -aw -u <login> -p <password>
You can move schemas or given tables. See help for db2move.
Before importing tables data in existent tables you should turn off identity constraint else import process fail:
db2 alter table <table_name> alter column <column_name_with_identity> drop identity
Import data:
db2move <db_name> import -u <login> -p <password>
After import restore identity constraint:
db2 ALTER TABLE <table_name> ALTER COLUMN <column_name_with_identity> SET GENERATED AS IDENTITY ( START WITH <count_the_number_yourself> INCREMENT BY 1)
To uncatalog database and node:
db2 uncatalog database <alias-name>
db2 uncatalog node <node_name>
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