понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Last read book: Functional JavaScript Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js

During reading the documentation on underscore.js I found out the link to the book Functional javascript. For a long time I had postponed the learning of this theme and now I can fill the gap in my knowledge of functional programming and javascript techniques.

This book has positive and negative reviews, but in my opinion this book is more of a practical approach. Can I recommend to to anyone? In my opinion, yes. Of course, you cannot master the functional programming only by this book. It gives you a lot of information and directions in where to find more information.

What I like about this book is a good bibliography and a reference to useful javascript libraries.

Here is the interesting list of  libraries that draws my attention:
  1. Functional javascript
  2. RxJS
  3. Bilby
  4. allong.es
Here is the interesting list of books that draws my attention:
  • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay
    Sussman, and Julie Sussman (MIT Press, 1996)
  • Introduction to Functional Programming by Richard J. Bird and Philip Wadler (Prentice
    Hall, 1998)
  • JavaScript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite (Leanpub, 2013)
  • ML for the Working Programmer, Second Edition by L.C. Paulson (Cambridge University
    Press, 1996)
  • Applicative High Order Programming: Standard ML in Practice by Stefan Sokolowski
    (Chapman & Hall Computing, 1991)
  • Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation by David S. Touretzky
    (Addison-Wesley/Benjamin Cummings, 1990)
  • “Why functional programming matters” by John Hughes. The Computer Journal
If you need this books, write me a line and I can borrow them to you.

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